Donations by Bosque del Cabo:
After almost 20 years in business, Bosque del Cabo has made many charitable donations and helped the local community. Here is a list of some of the charities we have helped and some of our charitable donations:
- Hosted intern from the United States
- Sponsored salary of a park guard for Corcovado
- Hosted intern from the Netherlands and from Costa Rica
- $1000 donation to Museum of Natural Sciences
- Sponsored salary of a park guard for Corcovado
- Help with donation to old folks home
- Donation for Costa Rica Independence Day parade
- Donation for town celebration (fiestas patronales)
- Donation to children for pageant
- Hosted Bosque del Cabo Jungle Golf tour and donate proceeds to WOO
- Donation of anesthesia for clinic to spay animals
- Donation to children for pageant
- Donation to local school for Christmas party
- Donation to Puerto Jimenez’s Dengue Combat Committee (Comité Institucional Campaña contra el Dengue)
- Donation to Puerto Jimenez’s public library
- Donation to English Club for festival in Puerto Jimenez
- Donation to FOO for Osa Biodiversity Center
- Donation to help local schools with graduation
- Sponsor inter from USA
- Sponsor intern from England
- Support of Osa Sea Turtle Program
- 3 night contribution to HOMES, for auction: helps find homes for grown children with learning disabilities
- 3 night contribution to O2 for life auction to help with rainforest conservation
- Supervise and oversee building of the recycling center for RANA and WOO
- Hosted Bosque del Cabo charity Golf Tournament for WOO
- Helped with donation to children’s park in Puerto Jimenez
- Hosted Bosque del Cabo Charity Golf tournament, donating proceeds to WOO
- Sponsor intern from USA
- Sell t-shirts for Osa Sea Turtle Conservation Program ($910)
- Donation of two VHF radios to Osa Sea Turtle Conservation Program
- Send child (Maria Fernanda) of one employee (Leo) to Nueva Hoja elementary school
- $250 donation to construction of Escuela Bambu
- Donation for spay/neuter campaign
- Host FOO Science Conference
- Donation to Escuela Gallardo
- Spearheaded media campaign to stop large development on the Osa
- Host local artisans at lodge for sale of jewelry/crafts
- Donation to campaign to help eradicate dengue in Puerto Jimenez
- Helped at Earth Day celebration in Puerto Jimenez 2007: Led all people, ran food booth with biodegradable bowls, utensils, etc
- Donation to catholic church in Puerto Jimenez for town celebration
- Donation to local school
- Hosted interns from Puerto Jimenez to work in the kitchen for credit experience
- Sponsored 1 Km of beach for the Sea Turtle Conservation Project
- Bosque del Cabo Charity Golf tournament for WOO
- Sponsored guest events to help with donation for Sea Turtle Conservation Program
- Sponsor training in sea turtle conservation for one of our employees
- Help WIDECAST program get a grant/matching funds from NORIA for $5000 for sea turtle conservation
- Hosted CRUSA event for President Oscar Arias
- Hosted Native Plant Workshop at lodge
- Helped in Earth Day 2008: Lending tent for food booth, cooking part of the menu at our lodge, contacting all the organizations and micro-enterprises that put up stands on the day of the event, sending two interns and one employee to help out all day the date of the event.
- Hosted two interns from the UK and one intern from USA
- Hosted two interns from USA
- Sponsor spray and neuter clinic in Puerto Jimenez February
- Sponsor spray and neuter clinic in Puerto Jimenez May
- Donating 3 nights to a charitable auction benefiting Friends of the Osa
- Help sponsor cycling event with the proceeds benefiting a women’s shelter/drug rehabilitation organization in Puerto Jiménez
- Donating 2 nights to a San José school for a “Teacher Appreciation” benefit
- this year we will host an intern from the U.S. (Mandy) and one from Canada (Adrienne)
- gave two remote cameras to Aida and will sponser 4-5 for the property to help her project